Hope, Romeo, Liberty, George and DukeHope, Romeo, Liberty,
George & Duke
Toula and Zeke playing tug-of-war

Toula and Zeke playing tug-of-war

Unleash The Fun

We have the longest hours of availability of any local kennel: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., 7 days a week!

Vineyard Kennels offers full-service day care 7 days a week—great for large, athletic dogs who need extra activity as well as social dogs needing more companionship. Your dog receives expert care and plenty of play time in a natural, ranch-style setting. You get a stress-free work day and a relaxing evening with your tired, content companion. We offer a variety of day care passes available to suit your schedule. 

We group all dogs by temperament and size. We realize that not every dog enjoys every play style and we will do our best to find a group that matches your dog’s personality.

The Daily Schedule

8am – 12pm: Outdoor playtime!
12pm – 3pm: Indoor nap time and small groups
3pm – 5pm: More outdoor playtime!

All dogs who enter into our daycare program must go through an assessment. For the assessment we will ask you to drop off your pup for a few hours (usually 9am-12pm) and that will give us a few hours to get to know your dog and find his/her pack. We always keep an attendant in the yards watching your pets. We realize that even friendly dogs can play too rough sometimes.

When you pick up, we will go over how the assessment went and providing everything went well, you will be invited to purchase a punch pass and start daycare. We will not accept dogs that bark excessively, jump fences, hump uncontrollably or are overly rough.

Unless previously discussed with a staff member, all daycare clients can pick up or drop off anytime within our business hours. Our business hours are 8am-12pm and 3pm-5pm everyday. Any pick up or drop off outside of these hours are subject to our $15 afterhours charge.





bulldog in play bow


Day care clients have priority with our Self-Service Corral. This is a “latch-key” service for early drop-offs and late pick-ups (6 a.m. to 10 p.m.). It’s an ideal solution for professionals who work long shifts. It allows you to drop off and pick up your dog before and after regular hours, using a secure 4-digit PIN. Our Self Service Corral gives priority to our hall pass members.

Serving the pets of our community since 1996